Saturday, January 30, 2010

starting this up again.. maybe

i started this blog back in the days of "mama bear." you know, way back in the days of last year when my life was absorbed by spandex.. oh wait, it still is (yay bikes and crossfit)! i mean last year when i was consumed by triathlons and the team. i did a lot. i wrote packing lists and coordinated events and made sure that everyone knew about this or that and had a ride to this place and on and on and on. and i burnt out. i have a tendency to do that. get so involved in one aspect of my life and do everything for those people that the rest takes a back seat, including things that need to be done for myself. well, this school year i decided it was time to take a break from being "mama bear." that's not to say that i don't care about other people or do things for other people right now but i'm definitely focusing more on myself and what i need to get done.. which is mainly the MCAT. these next two months are going to be tough. a lot of studying. a lot of saying no to hanging out with friends. a lot of me time with the books. but it will be worth it when all is said and done.

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